Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Neatness vs Randomness

I wonder if I will ever achieve what I shall call for lack of a better term “Maximum Neatness”. Where everything is in its place and a place for... well, you know. Don’t get me wrong. I am not a neat freak by any means, believe me, I can be as just as messy as the best of them. But if I’m in the mood for tidy, well then, I WANT RESULTS!

I spent the day straightening up my Writer’s Cave, (once again for lack of a better term, but I really like this one…). I wanted to be able to move my mouse without hitting the red Sharpie that was lying there, or not to have the printer jam because I forgot to remove the stack of books that I had left on top of it. The sad thing is, if you looked about, you would not see very much of a difference.

Oh well, all one can do is to keep trying, right? After all, the entire universe does strive to achieve absolute randomness doesn’t it? I mean, looking at it strictly from a scientific point of view, the fact that we human beings and all the plants and animals are able to exist at all even for a nanosecond is pretty amazing isn’t it? Makes a good argument for the existence of God because, let's face it, who else has the wherewithal to pull off all that exists if not Him? Or Her, for that matter! I tend to believe history's slant on the masculine nature of God, otherwise, if He were a She, at the very least the rivers would flow straighter and they would certainly not be allowed to wander all over the place like they do. When I say straighter I do not mean that they would flow on a strict grid formulation, I just mean neater. Perhaps a flourish here or there would be nice.

Regardless of all of these ponderings, no matter how much one tries, a mess is still just a mess. An orderly desktop may still hide a disarray of items within, and usually does, for no matter how tidy you cause something to be it invariably becomes a mess again sooner rather than later.

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