Thursday, January 28, 2010

Something from Nothing

This is not what it appears to be. No, no my fine readers, it is not. That which appears before you, although it looks like a blog posting, I assure you, is not. Perhaps you came here expecting to find a blog post and, perhaps, you were looking forward to that blog posting. But alas! Know this now. I would never deliberately deceive or disappoint you because I always want to be honest with you. So please read on.

This is, my fine readers, is nothing more than a blank piece of paper. Actually it is not even a piece of paper but a virtual page (one that doesn't really exist) and it is covered with symbols. It began as, according to my Word program, a "New Blank Document." Old or new, how can a document be a document if it is blank? Doesn't a document have to contain something in order to be called a document?

Anyway, so, in an effort to convey an idea or ideas to those that read them, I covered it with symbols in an order of deliberate intent, and it took its present form. Then I posted it, the post that is, and this is when the magic began. It began because I pushed a button, that wasn’t really a button at all, but one of those virtual buttons on my computer screen. And when I pushed that button my posting whooshed away, from my Blogland, into the Blogosphere. But how?

Does the posting turn into a gas of some kind? A gas that is pumped into the Blogosphere through a clever network of galvanized pipes? Does it remain in a gaseous nebulous form until it is displayed upon your computer monitor and you read it? Or does the post, as some may say, turn into a digital soup of bits and bytes that are shot all over the world until it slams against the backside of your computer screen? Hmmmm. Which explanation seems more believable to you?

So what happens then? Once you do read it, the message becomes lodged in your brain for a while held fast to a place in your head by the wonders of memory. It stays there for a while until the memory force starts to weaken and the message erodes, dropping letter after letter until none remain. Or maybe…. Maybe the memory does not really erode and crack apart, but slowly fade until it is completely gone.

What’s the moral of the story? What is today’s lesson? Well. I will tell you.

I started out with a blank page, a “New Blank Document”, if you will, and then, Ta-Da! I ended up with a posting to put on my blog to day. Hence, “Something from Nothing.”

Pretty cool, huh?

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