Sunday, January 31, 2010

I like you . . .

I like you. You look great in that outfit. Lets do what you think is best. You’re absolutely right. Ha Ha, you are sooo ooo ooo funny how’d you come up with that idea? Can’t wait to hear what you’ll come up with next. God they all love ya, cause you’re so good looking.

What did I say something wrong? How’d did that happen? Well it must have if you say so. Gawd, you’re so sharp.

One thing I have always wondered is how the target of a sycophant can stand it. I mean they have to know that all that stuff that is being fed to them is mostly untrue or exaggerated if nothing else.

Who the hell really likes a sycophant? I mean really?
There are tons of them in the political world, and the arts and performance world is filled with them. Perhaps those that cannot do like to hang around with the talented or almost talented in the hope that some of that talent will rub off on them. Or maybe they hope that if others see them in the company of societies “Great Ones” they will be thought of as being great too,

Who the heck knows? Is there any other group that we are forced to be less politically correct about them? I don’t think so. The hell with them all.

All I can say is that as a writer, especially one that hopes to achieve any level of success in today’s very competitive market I myself have to be aware of you my audience and your happiness. I know this. But you’ll never catch me sucking up just to be liked. No Siree. By the way, while you read this can I get you anything? Are you thirsty? Hungry? Is it too cold where you are? Too hot? Believe me I’ll see what I can do. Did you know that people who read my posts look thinner? It’s a scientific certainty. Gosh this Blog looks so good on you.



  1. You're the best, you're so smart, creative, wonderfully kooky, etc etc. Gosh, I DO feel thinner when I read your blog!

  2. You definitely have a left field sense of humor. You made me laugh.
    By the way, I'll have a water with lemon, no ice, a cookie if you have any and could you direct me to the bathroom, please?
